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A pioneer for the future of work.




How about decisions being made where there is the most knowledge and experience? 

How would it be if all the potentials we have are enough and we put them together to develop them together? 

We are in the greatest transformation since industrialization. Our technical possibilities are developing at unimaginable dimensions and speeds. Challenges are hitting us faster and more intensely.The last few years have shown us how well we can adapt and how we can break up familiar structures when necessary.


Many companies and organizations have recognized that adaptability is crucial and have taken the path. In any development, a good process is needed to leverage existing potential and a conscious letting go to create space for the new.



Traveling light supports us in not tying up our energy in the old world. With a sense-oriented and value-creating orientation, we quickly succeed in using the wind of change for the sails we have set.

This part of your training is more about the mindset on which the work of an agile leader is based and which skills are required in the daily work. You choose from a selection of content with the other participants which topics are important to you and bring you the greatest benefit. Together, we then work out the areas in the prioritization you desire.


Our focus topics:

  • It all starts with a "WHY?" - Why agility? New Work?What is our/my purpose? What brings me joy? How do we add value?

  • VUCA & BANI - everything is unpredictable, uncertain and complex... and now?

  • Agile Values & Agile Mindset

  • My individual location analysis - where do I stand on the agile map?

  • Agile leadership roles & understanding

  • Coaching tools & solution-oriented coaching - e.g. systemic questions, reflection methods, different approaches to group decision making, etc.

  • Fear-free organization - psychological safety - How do we create learning zones for more creativity and innovation?

  • "Deep Listening" - Leading from the future.

  • Needs-oriented communication - As a basis for cooperation without dependencies and manipulation.

  • Mindfulness as a guarantor for resilience.

  • "Conflict skills" - Modern concepts of conflict research.

  • "Clear the Air" format - thick air was yesterday.

  • Shared decision making - tools for active participation.

  • VOPA - Networking - Openness - Participation - Agility - lived formats for more openness, error culture, exchange and participation.

  • Cultural Hacks - Which elements and rituals help us to stay on track in the agile transformation.


Our focus topics:

  • It all starts with a "WHY?" - Why agility? New Work: What is our/my purpose? What do I enjoy? How do we create added value?

  • VUCA & BANI - everything is unpredictable, uncertain and complex... and now?

  • Agile values & agile mindset

  • My individual location analysis - where do I stand on the agile map?

  • Agile leadership roles & understanding

  • Coaching tools & solution-oriented coaching - e.g. systemic questions, reflection methods, different approaches to decision-making in groups, etc.

  • Fear-free organization - psychological safety - How do we create learning zones for more creativity and innovation?

  • "Deep Listening" - Leading from the future.

  • Needs-oriented communication - as the basis for cooperation without dependencies and manipulation.

  • Mindfulness as a guarantee for resilience.

  • "Conflict skills" - Modern concepts of conflict research.

  • "Clear the Air" format - thick air is a thing of the past.

  • Joint decision-making - tools for active participation.

  • VOPA - Networking - Openness - Participation - Agility - Practiced formats for more openness, error culture, exchange and participation.

  • Cultural hacks - which elements and rituals help us to stay on course in the agile transformation.

©Stadt Graz|Crunchtime


Agile Coach is this for me?

People who are self-effectively helping to shape the future of work.

An Agile Coach training for New Worlds of Work is aimed at a broad group of people working in different organizations and industries:

  1. Leaders and Managers: Executives, senior managers and managers:inside who want to transform their organizations towards agile ways of working can benefit from an Agile Coach training. They can use the knowledge and skills acquired to implement agile values and principles in their leadership practice and successfully coach their teams towards self-efficacy.

  2. Agile teams and team members: Agile coaches can also address team members who work in agile teams or are involved in the adoption of agile practices. This can include developers:ins, testers:ins, product managers:ins, and other members of agile teams.

  3. Scrum Master and Product Owner: People working in or aspiring to Scrum roles such as Scrum Master or Product Owner can benefit from Agile Coach training to deepen their agile methodology skills and develop their agile coaching skills.

  4. HR and Change Management Experts: People in human resources and change management play an essential role in implementing agile transformations. Agile coach training can help them understand the specific challenges and opportunities of adopting agile practices and develop appropriate strategies.

  5. Consultants and Coaches: Individuals who are already working as agile coaches or consultants, or who aspire to such careers, can use an Agile Coach training to deepen their expertise in New Work and Agile coaching skills and to further professionalize themselves.

  6. Project Managers and Organizational Developers: Project management and organizational development professionals who want to drive the transformation of their organizations towards Agile ways of working can benefit from an Agile Coach training to learn the necessary skills and methodologies.

  7. Entrepreneurs and CEOs: Self-employed people and entrepreneurs who want to make their companies more agile can learn from an Agile Coach training how to integrate agile principles into their companies.


Overall, an Agile Coach training for New Worlds of Work is for anyone interested in introducing, promoting and improving agile principles and practices in their work or organization. 

We are happy to walk a part of the way together!

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